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Within Reach

Lizzie Jones | Associate Recruiter, Expedia Group in Bellevue, Washington Corporate recruiting pro-tip: you must be an (unofficial) brand ambassador for your company’s product. Professionally, because business acumen is fundamental to sharing opportunities with candidates. Personally, because it’s important to sell a product you believe in. When I received the opportunity to join Expedia Group earlier […]

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From a Lodging Content Associate (LCA) to a Content Manager in Bangkok

Daranee Khanijou | Manager of Lodging Content Operations, Expedia Group in Bangkok I joined Expedia Group on September 30th, 2013 as my first job out of University. My original plan was to stay for two years to build career experience before I continue my Masters. Since then, it has been 5 great years and here […]

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Open Internal Talent Markets Promote Opportunity and Employer Sentiment

Ryan Johne | Reporting & Analysis Manager, Expedia Group in Bellevue, Washington One of the most stressful events in a professional’s career is changing jobs. In fact, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average US worker will have ten different jobs before the age of 40 – and that number is projected to […]

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From Contractor to Full Time Employee, a Small Success in a Year.

Araya Pensook | Lodging Content Associate, Expedia Group in Bangkok I started off at Expedia Group as a full-time contractor (12 months) working in the Bangkok Content Team. I was then converted from a contractor to be a full-time employee in January 2018 and I could not be more proud of myself. I am responsible […]

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Expedia is a great workplace where it truly embodies the spirit of work hard, play hard.

Patricia Yu | Associate Market Manage, Expedia Group in Hong Kong Challenging the company’s president to shots on my second week at work isn’t exactly what I had in mind when I first began my Expedian journey. We were in our bi-annual offsite where people across APAC and leaders gather together to meet, discuss and […]

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Career Check-In with Laura Molnar

Laura Molnar | Senior Manager of Brand Marketing, Travelocity in Dallas, Texas What does your typical workday look like? My day is filled with diverse activities, from conducting customer research, planning marketing campaigns with cross-functional partners, and working on marketing strategies in support of new product launches. What have you enjoyed most about working at […]

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Interviewing – Top 6 Tips for Putting Your Best Foot Forward

Laura Wilson | Recruiter, Egencia in Bellevue, Washington The old saying of “throw your name in the hat” is just not going to cut it in today’s job market. Especially if you are seeking to work for an industry leader and/or highly sought-after company. The competition for job seekers is tough so you need to […]

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To Jump the Fence

Sarah Ray | Market Manager, Expedia Group in Queenstown Feeling bored with the same old routine, unchallenged, unmotivated and tired of expectations being met but not exceeded, I knew I needed a change in career. Having worked in hotels for 15+ years it was all I knew. I had lived and breathed hotel life for […]

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In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity.

Bhala Dalvi | VP of Technology, Expedia Group in Bellevue, Washington As I was reflecting on my affinity to chaos, I was reminded of this quote.  It’s been around a while – Sun Tzu wrote it in his military treatise, The Art of War, between 771 and 476 BC. While I’m not into the whole […]

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Career Check-In with Bruce Horner

Bruce Horner | Director of Marketing, Travelocity in Dallas, Texas What does your typical workday look like? One of the reasons I love my job is there is no ‘typical’. I am fortunate that I am involved in a range of projects and initiatives with a variety of teams and people. It is really hard to predict what my day will look like and that is exciting. What have […]

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