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Career Check-in: Qingqing Long
Qingqing Long | Data Scientist III, Analytics
My name is Qingqing Long, currently working at Expedia Group as a Data Scientist. Born and raised in Chongqing, a ‘mountain city’ owing to its rugged terrain and steep gorges in Southwest China, I’ve lived in Hong Kong and San Diego for a few years to pursue my Bachelor’s in Arts and Master’s Degree in Analytics. Before I joined Expedia Group (EG), I worked in the Marketing field within the travel sector and the Data Science field in one of the retailers headquartered in South California.
Tell us about the data science community at Expedia Group?
There is a strong data science community at EG. Numerous internal groups are available for people to post data questions, broadcast related job openings, seek mentorship, and form collaborations. Recently as one of the planning committee members, I volunteered in the 3-day long internal EG Intelligence Conference, where we organized over a hundred presentations and brought more than 800 analytics, data science, and ML professionals together to learn, share and connect, which is a fantastic experience to me!
What type of projects do you work on?
My work includes quantifying trust-related business metrics to reduce traveler friction and building scalable data pipelines to facilitate business performance tracking. Besides, I conduct feature engineering to enhance machine learning solutions to mitigate business risks, including Fraud, Abusive, redirection, and fake listings.
What is the impact of your work?
This year, our team brought to life the first set of marketplace trust metrics that track incidents and travelers impacted due to partner/supplier quality. This is part of a larger effort to detect, measure, and prevent sub-par traveler experiences across EG – one classic example is a stranded traveler who arrived at a closed door.
What is your favorite part of your job that excites you the most?
Being able to see our work impact business as well as our travelers excites me the most.
What makes Expedia Group a great place to work?
To me, it’s about the fantastic people I interact with daily. I feel grateful for meeting talented colleagues who provide me with tremendous help, trust, and support. Another aspect is that the EG leadership team cares about employees: they utilize employee feedback to better understand what makes a great workplace and pinpoint areas transparently where more effort is needed to create positive change. This makes a great workplace in the eyes of talents who appreciate an organization that is committed to honesty and growth.
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