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Life at Expedia Group Blog
Be Open and Honest. Be Humble.
Isabelle James | Lodging Partner Associate I in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia “The Expedia Group Guiding Principles defines our culture, and describes how we will collectively realize our Vision, Purpose and Strategic Imperatives.” The fact that the principles are applied to all Expedia Group employees worldwide already makes us a family — a huge family tree […]
Career Check-In with Logan Scott
Logan Scott | Vice President, Human Resources in Bellevue, WA What does your typical workday look like? While the content of my days varies quite a bit, I do a couple things consistently every day. I lead a globally dispersed team and partner with internal stakeholders across the globe so I spend a lot of time in […]
Life at Expedia launches blog
This week we launched as a way of sharing our story and showcasing why we love working for Expedia Group. This blog is for everyone. We want to share valuable information and experiences with you while also giving you an inside scoop on the problems we’re trying to solve. What makes us different? Expedia […]
Being positive is a way of living.
Nicolas Grande | Area Manager in Buenos Aires Being positive is a way of living. During your lifetime, you will face many challenges and worries. However, the way we react to those situations is 100% our decision. Since I was a child I learned mainly through sports that you may frequently fall down. You can […]
Career Check-In with Garrett Vargas
Garrett Vargas | VP & CTO, in Bellevue, WA What does your typical workday look like? It’s really hard to call a day typical in an environment like CarRentals! Since I’m responsible for all parts of the technology that we use, it’s not unusual for me to meet with my teams to understand how current […]
Why I’m Happy I Went Back to Work and My 3 Tips for Making the Transition Back
Laura Wilson | Recruiter, Egencia in Bellevue, WA One of the hardest decisions I had ever faced in my life was one that I was not expecting. Two years ago, after having my beautiful daughter, the thought of leaving her every day to go to work seemed inconceivable. I knew in my heart, my head, […]