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Navigating Parental Leave with Nikki Keresztes: I&D Global Communities Manager

We recently had the pleasure of catching up with Nikki from our Inclusion & Diversity team. She shared her incredible story of finding out she was pregnant just two days before starting her new job at Expedia Group! From the excitement and joy to the worries and concerns, Nikki opened up about her journey. Here’s what she had to say.

Nikki Keresztes, I&D Global Communities Manager, London, UK

The journey to Expedia Group

I’ve been with Expedia Group for a little over two years now, working as the Global Communities Manager on the Inclusion & Diversity team. Our team partners with different functions in the People team, Global Talent Acquisition (GTA) team, and others, to make EG a more inclusive organisation. Our Inclusion Business Groups (IBGs) play a great role in this too, helping us to leverage specific opportunities for their community to the relevant teams.

Some of the recent work our team have been focused on include, arranging the IBG Summit in Austin, TX, where we brought our global IBG leaders together to strategise on how they can help drive inclusion across EG, and therefore more closely align with the business. We’ve been reviewing our gender pay gap reporting and planning next steps, plus we also partnered with the GTA team to represent EG at Black Tech Fest, with our Black Expedia Allied Movement IBG.

We have made great progress, but still have some work to do!

Before joining EG, I spent my career in Account Management across media and market research. Eventually, I transitioned into Inclusion & Diversity, focusing on supporting HR teams and marketers, in creating more inclusive processes. This passion is what ultimately led me to apply for a position at Expedia Group.

The surprise of a lifetime

When I found out I was pregnant just two days before starting my new job at Expedia Group, I was both shocked and overjoyed. After dealing with fertility issues and even being told I might need surgery to conceive, discovering that I was nearly through my first trimester felt like a miracle. However, I was also anxious about how this news would be received by my new employer.

Approaching the topic with my new employer

Since I didn’t know I was pregnant during the interview process, I worried that my new employer might not believe I was unaware of it. I decided to be completely transparent and shared my fertility journey with my manager during our first conversation. It might have felt like an overshare at the time, but I believed it was necessary. To my relief, my manager was incredibly supportive, easing all my anxieties. This experience was a true reflection of Expedia Group’s empathetic and inclusive culture, and management style.

Concerns about pregnancy and the job offer

Yes, I had many concerns. Even with my background in I&D, I’m very aware of the biases that pregnant individuals can face in the workplace. There’s a lingering perception that starting a family means you’re less committed to your job or trying to take advantage of company benefits. These stereotypes are not only harmful but completely untrue. Parental leave is not a paid vacation – it’s a challenging, life-changing, and rewarding experience.

Joining Expedia Group while pregnant

From the beginning, the team at Expedia Group set me up for success. I was introduced to the right people and given the freedom to make the role my own. They also provided the flexibility I needed to attend my numerous antenatal appointments, as I was considered a high-risk pregnancy. Thanks to my empathetic manager, I never felt that being pregnant held me back. I truly hope that everyone starting or growing a family can have a similar experience.

Navigating maternity leave

When I first joined, I wasn’t eligible for the enhanced maternity pay due to my short tenure. However, the benefits team at the same time updated the policy to ensure that everyone, regardless of tenure, could receive enhanced parental pay. They also introduced additional family-friendly benefits like a phased return to work. The impact of these changes on me was profound, and I am beyond grateful. I was genuinely excited to return to work.

Transitioning back to work

For the first three months after returning from maternity leave, I worked four days a week before transitioning back to full-time. Easing back into work was essential as I adapted to my new routine as a working parent. The Keeping in Touch (KIT) days and weekly 1:1 meetings with my colleagues were invaluable in helping me stay connected and prepared. The Return from Maternity community group also played a crucial role, providing a support network and pairing me with a return-to-work buddy who has become a lifelong friend.

Advice for pregnant women considering a job change

Don’t hold yourself back. Becoming a parent is a transformative experience that teaches you adaptability and resilience. Embrace the challenge and go for it – nothing worthwhile ever comes easy!

Reflecting on challenges and overcoming them

The biggest challenge I faced was overcoming my own expectations and the pressure to be perfect. It’s essential to prioritize effectively and accept that you can’t do everything all the time – and that’s okay. I learned to ask for help and, more importantly, to accept it when offered. This mindset shift allowed me to focus on what truly mattered to me.

Work-life balance and future aspirations

Working at Expedia Group has boosted my confidence, especially after experiencing some challenging workplaces in the past. It has also made me more mindful of the example I want to set for my son. Setting clear boundaries with my time is crucial, as spreading myself too thin doesn’t benefit anyone. Looking ahead, I’m eager to continue my work in Inclusion & Diversity and aim for a promotion soon. My journey at Expedia Group has fuelled my ambition, reminding me that challenges are opportunities in disguise.

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